The Minister of Environment and Territorial Planning of the Junta de Andalucía, José Fiscal, has valued the involvement of society as a whole in the recovery of the territory affected by the Las Peñuelas forest fire of last summer, in the Doñana Natural Area. He also highlighted the role of public-private collaboration, in view of the transfer by the company Canueso Seeds of 150 kilograms of seeds for sowing in the dunes of Cuesta Maneliin the municipality of Almonte (Huelva). The event was also attended by the subdelegate of the Government, Asunción Grávalosthe mayors of Almonte, Rocio EspinosaPalos de la Frontera, Carmelo Romero, and municipal representatives of the City Council of Moguer.

According to Fiscal, "the involvement of all sectors of society, from citizens, as volunteers, to other entities, research institutes, administrations and private companies are essential to restore this area, emblematic for the province". In this sense, he also thanked the commitment of the organizers de 'Doñana, United without Borders'.who also attended the ceremony of seed transfer and sowing and held last week in Huelva a solidarity event to raise funds, both for the humanitarian work carried out by the association Firefighters without Borders in different parts of the world and for the recovery of the area affected by the forest fire.
The Minister of Environment has stated that the Regional Ministry, beyond the actions of awareness, education and information to the public, is making a considerable effort at a technical level in this area. Several actions have already been carried out in the territory affected by the fire. Work has been done to prevent erosion in areas of dunes or areas of streams, such as the Arroyo del Loro, where, in addition to recovering the singular species, important work has been carried out to remove invasive exotic species. Fiscal has also pointed out that the planting of these seeds is being carried out within the framework of the restoration project financed by Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and the EnvironmentHe stressed the importance of inter-administrative collaboration in this matter.
The performances

The Minister explained that the decision as to which plants will be planted is being made by the group of experts according to scientific criteria. They will be autochthonous species that tolerate better the rising temperatures and falling precipitationalthough the species that were present before the fire will continue to play a very important role.
The work of the working group continues. Last March, a technical document was finalized that sets the guidelines, prioritizes the actions to be undertaken and defines how to work on biodiversity, fauna and wild flora, explaining the restoration objectives according to the ecological characteristics of the different units into which the affected territory has been divided.
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