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Beautify the city with our seed mix for flowering bedscreated especially for urban gardeners seeking to transform gray spaces into oases of color and life. This mix not only improves the visual appearance of streets, but also promotes a healthier urban ecosystem.

Thirteen variants

Each of our thirteen variants is designed to offer unique color combinations and blooms at different times of the year, ensuring that your flowerbeds are always at their best.

Benefits of our seed mixtures

  • Easy to plantAdapted to urban conditions, our mix is easy to plant and maintain.
  • Promotes biodiversityAttracts pollinators such as bees and butterflies, contributing to a more vibrant urban ecosystem.
  • Durable and resistantSelected for its ability to flourish in adverse conditions, ensuring a robust growth.

Download here the pdf with all the details of our 13 seed mixtures for flowering flowerbeds

Technical data:

  • Sowing rate: 2-3 g/m2
