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Once again, this year 2020, we have renewed the collaboration agreement that we have maintained for several years with the Cordoba Association for the Integration of Border Line Children (ACOPINB). Association that develops in its own facilities different training programs with students with disabilities, so that they can acquire skills and abilities that improve their personal autonomy and allow them a full social and labor integration.

Among the objectives of this agreement is :

  • To disseminate and promote among students and technical personnel, the management and production of plants of our native wild flora, through their cultivation and propagation, thus raising awareness of the characteristics, uses and importance of our rich biodiversity and the value of its conservation.
  • To disseminate and instill among all participants respect for the environment, promote knowledge about our rich biodiversity, and the importance of conservation of native species of flora of our closest ecosystems.
  • To recover and propagate autochthonous plant material typical of Mediterranean ecosystems, promoting, disseminating and guaranteeing the permanence of this plant heritage.
  • The development and implementation of sustainable cultivation techniques, through the adoption of agro-ecological techniques, such as the creation of pollination margins, plant covers in olive groves and vineyards, biodiversity islands with native wild plants, to favor the increase and fixation of auxiliary entomofauna that favors pollination and protection and pest control. The naturalization of spaces around buildings, through naturalization techniques, such as the creation of natural meadows of wild flowers, as well as research and development of green roofs and green roofs.
  • The packaging of native flora seeds in different formats and the preparation of other products from wild flora, such as leaves, essential oils and hydrolats, for subsequent marketing.
ACOPINB - Family photo