Landscape restoration of high-speed railroad lines (AVE lines)

Study, design, production and supply of different compositions of native wild plant seeds, tailor-made (ad hoc), to create plant covers suitable for soil erosion control, water runoff, soil and slope support and landscape integration of all types of civil works and railway infrastructures.

The most important works include the restoration of slopes on the Alicante, Granada, Málaga, Almería, Córdoba, León, Valencia, Madrid, Lugo and other sections of the AVE high-speed railway line, among others.

AVE - Antequera Slopes - CANTUESO - Natural Seeds
Hydroseeding of slopes on the AVE Granada-Antequera high-speed railway line passing through Antequera
AVE - Line Cordoba - Malaga - CANTUESO - Natural Seeds
Slope restored with wild species on the Cordoba-Malaga AVE line
AVE - Málaga - CANTUESO Line - Natural Seeds
Restoration of the AVE Malaga - Granada high-speed railway line passing through Antequera