Last Friday we were pleased to receive in CANTUESO Natural Seeds, the visit of Mr. Juan Ramón Pérez Valenzuela, General Director of Forestry Policy and Biodiversity of the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Junta de Andalucía, and Mr. Rafael Martínez Ruedas, territorial delegate of the same Ministry in Córdoba.
During their pleasant visit, they were able to see our new facilities as well as the different multiplication and test crops.
In this conference, we also shared all the lines of innovation and development that we are carrying out in favor of the enhancement of the rich biodiversity of our native wild flora in different areas of action, and opening doors to future collaborations between the two entities.
We were also able to present all the challenges for the future, providing favorable measures to reduce administrative obstacles to our activity to increase efficiency and competitiveness, as well as the problems of small companies producing wild plant seeds, access to innovation and development programs due to our unique activity.
For all these reasons, we are very grateful for this visit and for the understanding and interest shown towards our company and activity.